Water Damage reduced at a Commercial Property in Bel Air, MD 21014

Category: Article • January 11, 2023

Emergencies aren’t “scheduled”. They often happen over weekends and in the wee-small hours.

And many commercial buildings are open for access: days, evenings, and weekends.

Imagine the panic and the ‘what now’ when a water leak is happening on an upper level started leaking down through the ceiling of an “always open” building.  A building providing 24/7 services to those in need.

To add to the unfolding drama, the Building Manager on duty was relatively new at this location, and not yet completely knowledgeable about where things behind the scenes are located.  Things like Hot Water Heaters, HVAC Systems, Domestic & Fire Water supply lines, and Shutoff Valves.

Completely closing down the entire operation is not an option.

Quick thinking on the part of the Manager and a comprehensive Building Report, created by Elegant Restoration … specifically for this building … ultimately saved the day.

And that’s our ‘Superpower’: Assisting businesses in keeping their doors open, their lights on, and servicing the needs of their customers and clients, even in the midst of an emergency.

Elegant Restoration received the Emergency call @ 1:30 p.m. in the afternoon, on a weekend.

The Manager on site recognized it was either a leaky Hot Water Heater or Hot Water supply line that was the culprit, since the water flowing down through the ceiling was HOT.  A good assumption on their part.  Stopping the SOURCE of a water leak is of the utmost importance to stop further water damage as quickly as possible. Finding the right water shut-off valve in the boiler room full of shut off valves is key to stopping the water damage.

Using the Emergency Response Plan (ERP) Building Report created specifically for the Bel Air, MD location by Elegant Restoration, the Manager was able to locate the source of water, shut off the correct water valve, and stop the flow water.  The immediate problem had been resolved.  There was no more flow of hot water down through the ceiling, creating additional downstream water damage to the ceilings, walls & floors below.

The Elegant Restoration team was onsite within the hour to begin accessing and cleaning up the water damage in the four offices and hallway.  It was, much to the credit of the Manager and the ERP Building Report which had pictures and location of the shut off valves identified to stop the ongoing damage.  Documenting the building ahead of time before a disaster happens is key to being prepared.

Further investigation by the Elegant Restoration team revealed the specific location of the water leak, allowing for its repair.  Just shutting a valve ‘off’ is not a one-step, one-stop solution.  The leak must be repaired so that the valve may be reopened, allowing the equipment to once again function as needed for the safe & efficient operation of the building and its occupants.

The Elegant Restoration team then deployed IICRC Training Water Technicians and several industrial fans and dehumidifiers on the several levels of the building to speed-up the drying process.  Sensitive, electronic humidity sensors were used to monitor the dampness, room by room. Water damaged ceiling tiles and cove moldings were removed to ensure the drying process was through and complete.

Subsequent and systematic moisture readings, all recorded in a detailed log, allowed our Elegant Restoration team to know just how quickly the moisture levels were dropping, and when they had returned to ‘normal’ levels, allowing for repair/replacement of carpet, tile, cove moldings, sheetrock, ceiling tiles, etc.

Quick action on everyone’s part, coupled with effective pre-planning resulted in a reduction of the insurance claim of approximately $15,000 for our commercial client in Bel Air, MD 21014. 

Elegant Restoration, Inc. can offer the same, effective emergency & disaster pre-planning service for your commercial property, too.  And the best part is, there’s no cost associated with this valuable service.


When it comes to emergencies & disasters, there are only TWO KINDS:

Those you plan for

Those you don’t.